The Ascension of Jesus Christ, body and soul into heaven, marks a definitive turn in the story of salvation history, leading to the outpouring of the Spirit that brings us to a new level of intimacy with God. In this intimate union, we are equipped and empowered by the Spirit to do what He said...."Go and make disciples!"
In Chapter 14 of John's gospel, Jesus teaches us that if we love Him, and keep his commandments, that He & the Father will come and make their dwelling in us (Jn14:23). As disciples of Jesus, He calls us to walk in the power of the Spirit and expect to both see and work signs and wonders in His name...
Motherhood: God's Amazing Design
5th Sunday of Easter, Year A
In the gospel of John we hear Jesus tell the apostles, and the world, that "I am the way the truth and the life". On Mother's day we consider the unique gift of motherhood and the critical role mothers have in both showing, and teaching, their children the way, truth and life of Jesus.
Living Joyfully in God's Love
4th Sunday of Easter, Year A
The Good Shepherd brings us into intimate communion with God and desires to lead us in a life lived in the depths of God's love!
Hearing Jesus
Third Sunday of Easter, Year A
As with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Jesus walks with us. As we journey with the Lord, learning to hear his voice makes all the difference.