Our understanding of who God is, what God is like and how God sees us has a profound impact on the way we live.
On Ascension Sunday, we look at the big picture of the Ascension, how shortly thereafter the Holy Spirit would flow forth in the New Covenant at Pentecost. We look at the flow of God's love in the design of Motherhood. We consider the hour at hand in the days leading up to Pentecost and God's invitation to more...
The love of Jesus sets us FREE. Filled with His love, our souls become furnaces of divinely powerful love that flows through us and out to others. Free in His love, we have His peace & power to set the captives free.
At St. Ignatius Catholic Church on the final day of a signs & wonders filled ministry trip to the Cayman Islands with Patrick Reis of Encounter Ministries in partnership with Pastor Felix Manzanares of Journey Ministries, testimony is given of the wonders God worked throughout the week, including the miraculous growth of Naomi's leg, who shares her testimony. Jesus is the Vine & we are the branches, truly able to do the works He did, and "even greater works than these" said Jesus. (Jn 14:12) To BELIEVE that is FAITH, the first step to unleashing the mighty power of the gospel!
To see amazing footage of Naomi's Miracle, visit: https://youtu.be/1Akl124_Qbs