At a Healing Service at Our Lady of Hope Parish, Nolan gives a great testimony about the Lord's healing power touching his neck after years of neck pain, praise you Lord!
At a healing service at Our Lady of Hope Parish, Mary gives a remarkable testimony about healing of her vision, Glory to God!
In the parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector Jesus offers us grace to fix our hearts on Him & to live in our God-given identity...
At a healing service at St. Joan of Arc, Liz shares the testimony of realizing the tremors in her hands being healed after many years of tremoring, Glory to God!
On World Mission Sunday, we dive into the power of Sacred Scripture for staying plugged in to the Lord so His light shines bright in us...
We dig into an epic rally cry for disciples: "pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness...compete well for the faith, lay hold of eternal life..." (1 Tim 6:11-12)