On the Solemnity of Christ the King, we consider the compassionate heart of Christ, His reign in our lives and how to live well in His Kingdom now...so we'll be ready for eternity.
The wonderful testimony of Jennifer being healed from conditions (tinnitus & floaters) she's had for decades, glory to God!
In the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus tells us to stay awake, essentially to live with our heart engaged with him, neither dull nor lazy to the precious gift of having a relationship with God. Diving into this rich parable, we consider the beauty of devotion to God and the momentum it blesses us with.
At a healing service at St. Isaac Jogues, Gina gives a powerful testimony of the Lord fully healing her knee of a sports injury during a time of worship.
Matthew 5 recounts the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount given by Jesus. The opening lines of this sermon are the teaching of Jesus on the Beatitudes, which the Catholic Church teaches "depict the countenance of Jesus Christ." (CCC, 1717) We take a dive in this reflection into the Beatitudes, which when embraced and lived, give us the countenance of Jesus too!