On Christmas Day, we welcome Jesus our Lord anew into our lives, He who came to smash the reign of sin and death. As we draw near to the manger, Emmanuel offers us a gift...
With a few days to go on the Advent journey, we meditate on The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth and ask Mother Mary to lead us into a life-changing in encounter with Jesus at Christmas.
On Gaudete ("Rejoice" Phil 4:4) Sunday we dive into Zephaniah 3 & Philippians 4 mindful of the question, "what do you want for Christmas?"
A look at St. Paul's inspired words to the Philippians that reveal precious God-given wisdom for decision making, "and this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ."(Phil 1:9-10)
At the outset of Advent, a season of transformation in God's love that prepares us for the miracle of Christmas, an invitation from Jesus awaits us...
On the Solemnity of Christ the King, we consider life in the Kingdom of the Beloved Son here and now...
At a healing service in South Bend, IN the testimony of Chris, who regained the full use of her leg and had the pain leave her back and leg that had plagued her for a long time, praise you Jesus!
This presentation takes a look at 10 principals from Biblical Theology for being in divine relationship with God and then, the gift of "The Our Father" prayer taught by Jesus.
The wonderful testimony of Mary Catherine, who's left ear was healed at a healing service in South Bend, Indiana. Praise you Jesus!
The testimony of Davina, who received wonderful healing in her back and shoulder, praise Jesus!
When the poor widow put her two small coins in the temple treasury (Mk 12:42) Jesus called his disciples to himself to highlight her entirely love-filled devotion to God, a gift He wants to give to all of us...
At an Encounter Ministries Healing Service in New York, the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and an invitation to surrender (with no conditions) to Jesus as Lord to discover the greatest of healings...
At an Encounter Ministries Healing Service in New York, Louis recounts the wonderful healing from a stone he in his salivary duct he was awaiting surgery to have removed, praise Jesus!
At an Encounter Ministries Healing Service in New York, Afshi gives the testimony of the restoration of his hearing, praise you Jesus!
At an Encounter Ministries Healing Service in New York, Lilia shares the wonderful testimony of the healing of her eyesight, praise Jesus!
The awesome testimony of Preda, who had pain her wrist and hand for 14 years following a surgery...but does so no more because of Jesus of Nazareth our Lord and King, alleluia!
In Mark Chapter 10 we dive into the story of Bartimaeus, who sought the Lord Jesus with mighty zeal...and was forever transformed!
This talk (given virtually for the CRL Toronto community and shared in Australia, Singapore and Sri Lanka) breaks open five practical points for living daily in the sweet spot of Abba's love...
While out evangelizing in the neighborhood, we came across a man on fire for the Lord with an amazing testimony, here's Ronnie's glory story for God!
Faced with the decision to give up riches and follow Jesus or maintain the life of his own design....the rich man in Mark 10 left the presence of Jesus sad, unable to part ways with what he was attached to so he could receive everlasting treasure. (MK 10:22)
The touching testimony of Jennifer, whom the Lord brought beautiful spiritual and physical healing in a sovereign outpouring of love, praised be Jesus Christ now and forever!
In the Book of Numbers, we read of how God took some of the spirit that was on Moses and bestowed it to 70 of the elders (Nm 11:26). Foreshadowed in this scene is the reality that the Holy Spirit that came upon Jesus at the Jordan, would be bestowed upon His body, the Church. We consider both life in the Holy Spirit and the gift of charisms that God gives with the outpouring of the Spirit.
Speaking into the heart of apostles after they were quarreling over who was the greatest (Mk 9:33-37), Jesus imparts to His apostles (and us as well) a beautiful teaching that, when received, releases the grace to live with wisdom and humility...
Making his first visit to Most Holy Trinity in Corktown, and not aware of the prayer for healing that takes place on Sunday nights at MHT, Thomas was surprised by the sovereign kindness of Jesus who healed his left ear issues (fuzziness, ringing, lack of clear hearing) and also a marble sized swollen lymph node in the neck. Here's his awesome testimony, Praise you Jesus!
Down at Most Holy Trinity in Corktown, passing through with her husband, God's beloved daughter Connie received a blessing from Jesus in the healing of her back, here's her testimony for His glory, praise you Jesus!