The beautiful testimony of Lizette, who received an amazing healing from Jesus at the Encounter Regional Conference in Southern California, praise be to Jesus Christ now and forever!
The beautiful testimony of Stacey, who after many years of having Multiple Sclerosis, began to get better...and better...and then the day came when her MRI showed that she no longer had any lesions, praise Jesus! Additionally, while receiving prayer for her legs, the Lord healed a condition she had been diagnosed with over forty years ago (left leg being shorter than the right,) glory to God!
In chapter 4 of Mark's Gospel, Jesus teaches us through two parables about the Kingdom of God and how we can allow our lives to bloom in heavens love right here and now.
In this healing testimony, Michael & Moira share how Jesus touched their toddler son, enabling him to open his hand wide for the first time, glory to you Jesus, author and lover of our souls, marriages and families!
On the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity we open our hearts and minds wide to a fresh consecration to the Most Blessed Trinity...whose love quenches our deepest yearnings at last.