Isaiah prophesied, "streams will burst forth in the desert." (Is 35:6) In and through Jesus Christ, God's love has burst into this world, and of His disciples filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus declares, "rivers of living water will flow from within..."(Jn 7:37)
The lovely testimonies of Cindy & Marisella, who recieved remarkable healing graces from Jesus at an Encounter Ministries Healing Service at St. Brigid Catholic Church in Hanford, CA...praise you Jesus!!!
A reflection on the The Most Blessed Sacrament at a Eucharistic Evening at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Fresno, California...
In the dramatic final scene of The Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus invites his listeners to consider, "what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before?" (Jn 6:62) Today, here and now, if a man or woman wants to see them the Eucharist.
A dive into the gift of God that is meant to permeate and transform every area of our
Turning away from perfect love is fair description of the essence of St. Paul's famous and sobering words, "do not grieve the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30) We consider some of the deceptions the enemy uses to get us to turn away from perfect love, the Holy Spirit within us, and two effective methods for staying engaged with the Holy Spirit.
The beautiful testimony of Isaura, who had experienced complete deafness in her left ear for 40 years after a surgery...until Jesus opened her ear at an Encounter Ministries event. PRAISE YOU JESUS!!!
Given at a Holy Spirit Outpouring conference, this talk is a dive into John 6 and the gift of the Most Holy Eucharist...
In John 6: 1-15, Jesus gives St. Philip a question that is meant to help Philip understand going forward how to think in light of the presence of Jesus, and how to think like Jesus. The presence of Jesus radicallly changes our ability to think...if we're docile to the Holy Spirit's ability to conform our thinking to the mind of Christ.
In the eyes of Jesus, heavens love draws us into a great affection that never ceases...
In St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, we read of a marvelous mystery of love, that God has truly destined us to live in the depths of Trinitarian love forever. Yet, free will remains and daily we are given the grace to step into this God-given destiny...
A dive into St. Paul's experience of the Lord letting him know, "my grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor 2:9)
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit given in baptism, disciples of Jesus are truly empowered to live supernaturally powerful lives...
A smile from Jesus while meditating on Luke 10 brought heavenly joy, and then some frustration...and ultimately, a deep conviction that there really is "need of only one thing." (Lk 10:42)
On Father's Day in the United States, a reflection on God the Father. From Abba's heart flows an endless stream of love...
God's response to the Original Sin in the Garden of Eden was the beginning of an unveiling of the tender mercy of God towards sin and brokenness. Upon the cross, Jesus revealed God's face of mercy most powerfully. In this homily, we consider sin, God's tender mercy, and how to respond to it...asap.
On the Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus we dive into the revelation of the divine furnace of charity that is the Sacred Heart of Jesus...
In the gift of The Most Blessed Sacrament, a love story continues to unfold in the Blood of Christ...
Words fall so far short of describing the depths of God's amazing loving presence as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity we utilize some of the words God used through the prophet Isaiah and Jesus himself to look at the love story that The Most Blessed Trinity invites us into...
A deep dive into the radical event and mystery of Pentecost that continues to transform the lifes of disciples of Jesus by setting them on fire in divine love and power in the Holy Spirit...
At the Ascension of Jesus, critical instructions were given by the Lord, "wait in the city (Jerusalem) until you are clothed with power from on high." (Lk 24:49) In these sacred days leading up to Pentecost, the instructions of Jesus invite us to ready our hearts in hunger, thirst and holy waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost...
In His famous teaching on The Vine and the Branches, Jesus explains us that His disciples are deeply connected with Him, and that even, "as the Father loves me so I also love you." (Jn 15:9) In the depths of intimacy with the Father, Son & Holy Spirit is where your heart belongs...
A message on the compassionate love of Jesus at an Encounter Ministries Healing Service in Mexico City...VIVA CRISTO REY!
In Luke 24, the disciples encounter the Risen Lord Jesus and He pours out heavenly peace upon them. In the light of His face, there is always transformative grace for us to receive...
The wonderful testimony of Daniel, who recieved a wonderful healing at an Alpha & Omega Catholic Life gathering at the University of Dayton, thank you Jesus!